Tackfilm Sweden features: You, the Hero

Staring in a Swedish film, takes less than 5 minutes and makes you look like a global hero in a professionally made short film. Tackfilm – tack means thank you in Swedish – is thanking Swedish citizens for paying their broadcasting fees. Subtitled and smart (upload your own pic, turn off sound and run the faster version if on slow connection) it’s a toy that can potentially teach more than clever marketing.

It conveys a sense of how easy it is making someone look pretty good – in this case it’s me who’s the hero: Tackfilm features Britta – in no less than 8 (!) appearances…stunning, almost convinced myself of being Sweden’s hero 😉

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About be_b

I analyse, research, look beyond confines and connect dots. Focus: Social Sciences, Finance, Risk, AML/Fraud. Qualitative and quantitative data. Global, innovative, agile perspective, EN + DE.

23 responses to “Tackfilm Sweden features: You, the Hero”

  1. engin says :

    ı love you

  2. AaronP says :

    Is there any other sites like this one? Such a cool idea.

  3. britbohlinger says :

    Thanks for visiting!